API Changelog

A list of changes to the Raptor Maps API.


Updated the document structure in order to add a glossary and make the information that's generic to all endpoints and service more obvious.


Added GET defect_images and GET farm by ID to Next Gen API section


Added section for V2 API


Updated token audience param value to offer broader permissions


Added work order task endpoints to main documentation


Added work order endpoints to main documentation


Made some adjustments to ppa rate API


Added collections to Postman Workspace


Added asset_id to 200 response for /solar_farm routes that return a solar farm object.


Added PPA rate APIs.


Added anomaly location document endpoint. Removed fully deprecated legacy routes - /shp, /kml


Removed legacy routes that have been fully deprecated from the code - /pdf, /k_nearest_images, and /jobs/<jobs_uuid>.


Removed non-functional and unused APIs from the documentation. Added Summary route. Added ability to properly access legacy routes.


A new endpoint for retrieving API tokens is now live! Updated instructions can be found at Using the Raptor Maps API.

Direct link to detailed endpoint docs - Get API Access Token

Existing API consumers not yet using this endpoint should migrate any existing code, integrations, etc. to use this new endpoint. Thank you!


API Guidance around how often API tokens should be acquired is now updated, API consumers should take note and make a best effort at following the guidelines.

Using the Raptor Maps API


We've updated our API Authentication to a more secure method! Be sure to check the updated instructions on the Getting Started page.


The backend API endpoint URL for https://app.raptormaps.com was changed to https://app-legacy.raptormaps.com. The frontend application is still accessible at https://app.raptormaps.com. Most API usage should use the latest API at https://api.raptormaps.com except for data ingestion, which remains at https://app-legacy.raptormaps.com


Update 2023-04-04: https://app.raptormaps.com was moved to https://app-legacy.raptormaps.com.

Endpoints in "Raptor App API" at https://app.raptormaps.com were migrated to "Raptor App API (NEW)" at https://api.raptormaps.com between June to July 2021. Not all endpoints will be migrated immediately.

Inspection results delivered prior to June 11, 2021 will still be available at https://app.raptormaps.com until August 31, 2021.

Inspections delivered after June 11, 2021 will only be available at https://api.raptormaps.com. Deprecated currently endpoints are marked as "deprecated" at the top of the description.

For example:
If inspection results were delivered to your organization on June 11, 2021. The findings table can be accessed at https://app.raptormaps.com/api/v2/solar_inspections/<inspection_uuid>/findings AND https://api.raptormaps.com/solar_inspections/<inspection_id>/findings.

If inspection results were delivered to your organization on June 14, 2021 the findings table can only be accessed at https://api.raptormaps.com/solar_inspections/<inspection_id>/findings.

Historical API request results contained both UUIDs and IDs and accessed via UUID. Going forward requests will use ID.